Welcome to The Sainsbury Laboratory Summer School 2017

The last 20 years have provided a sophisticated understanding of how plants recognise relatively conserved microbial patterns to activate defence. In recent years DNA sequencing has allowed genomes and transcriptomes of eukaryotic rusts and mildew pathogens to be studied. High-throughput imaging advances have made possible the study and visualisation of intracellular interactions during pathogenesis and defence.

We will present and teach on these many aspects of plant-microbe interactions from the fundamental genomic, cellular and molecular processes to translational activities about how we convert basic discovery to real world impact.

The TSL Summer School will focus on dynamic and interactive practical sessions will naturally promote strong interactions between speakers and participants.

Over the next two weeks we will cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Pathogenomics
  • Effectors
  • Surface Immunity
  • Bioinformatics
  • Resistance Proteins
  • Cellular Defence
  • Proteomics
  • Functional Plant Genomics
  • Translation to the field

We hope that you will find the whole exercise enlightening and educational and perhaps also a little fun.