Course schedule

Monday 31st July


Time Activity Venue
1000 Welcome to TSL and housekeeping
1015 Introductions by TSL Staff
1030 Participant Introductions
1100 PEDAGOGICAL LECTURE - Introduction to Plant Microbe Interactions
1200 Lunch NRP Venues
1300 Poster Session John Innes Centre Conference Centre
1500 Tour of The Sainsbury Laboratory and Norwich Research Park Meet at John Innes Reception

NB All activities will take place in the Training Suite, unless otherwise stated

Tuesday 1st August

Resistance Proteins. Led by Jonathan Jones

Time Activity Venue
930 PEDAGOGICAL LECTURE - Jonathan Jones
1030 Tea Break and Discussion
1100 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - JIJIE CHAI - Structural Study of Plant Receptor Kinases Jane Rogers Seminar Room at EI
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session

Wednesday 2nd August

Resistance Proteins. Led by Jonathan Jones

Time Activity Venue
930 Practical Session

Genomic Resources and Bioinformatics for Plant Microbe Interactions. Led by Dan MacLean

Time Activity Venue
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - DIANE SAUNDERS - Developing new tools for interrogating cereal invaders Jane Rogers Seminar Room at EI
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session
1800 Social Session with TSL Students

Thursday 3rd August

Effectors and Plant Immunity. Led by Sophien Kamoun

Time Activity Venue
930 PEDAGOGICAL LECTURE - Sophien Kamoun
1100 Tea Break and Discussion
1130 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - JENS BOCH - A battle for life and death - Evolution of TALEs in plant-pathogenic Xanthomonas bacteria JIC G34/35
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session

Friday 4th August

Effectors and Plant Immunity. Led by Sophien Kamoun

Time Activity Venue
930 Practical Session

Surface Immunity. Led by Cyril Zipfel

Time Activity Venue
1030 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 Pedagogical Lecture - Cyril Zipfel
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session
1530 KEYNOTE LECTURE - STEFANIE RANF - Specificity of LORE-dependent lipopolysaccharide immune sensing in Arabidopsis
1630 Practical Session
1900 Conference Dinner Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts

Saturday 5th August

Surface Immunity. Led by Cyril Zipfel

Time Activity Venue
930 Practical Session

Sunday 6th August


Time Activity Venue
1100 Board Coach to Cromer JIC Reception
1600 Board Coach to Blakeney Cromer Coach Park - TBC
1645 Bean’s Seal Trip Departs Quayside Blakeney
1845 (approx) Arrive back at UEA

Monday 7th August

Cellular Defence. Led by Silke Robatzek

Time Activity Venue
930 PEDAGOGICAL LECTURE - Silke Robatzek
1100 Tea Break and Discussion
1130 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - PAUL BIRCH - The Delivery and Activity of late blight effector proteins that suppress plant immunity JIC G34/35
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session

Tuesday 8th August

Cellular Defence. Led by Silke Robatzek

Time Activity Venue
930 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues

Functional Plant Genomics. Led by Ksenia Krasileva

Time Activity Venue
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - DANIEL CROLL - Retracing genome evolution of pathogens during rapid disease emergence in agricultural ecosystems JIC G34/35
1430 PEDAGOGICAL LECTURE - Ksenia Krasileva
1530 Tea Break and Discussion
1600 Practical Session

Wednesday 9th August

Proteomics. Led by Frank Menke

Time Activity Venue
1100 Tea Break and Discussion
1130 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - DELPHINE PFLEIGER - Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis reveals shared and specific targets of Arabidopsis MAPkinases MPK3 MPK4 and MPK6 Jane Rogers Seminar Room at EI
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session

Thursday 10th August

Translations and Tipping the Balance. Led by Matt Moscou and Peter Van Esse

Time Activity Venue
1100 Tea Break and Discussion
1130 Practical Session
1230 Lunch NRP Venues
1330 KEYNOTE LECTURE - BEAT KELLER - Molecular analysis of wheat – fungal pathosystems and applications in resistance breeding JIC G34/35
1430 Tea Break and Discussion
1500 Practical Session

Friday 11th August

Translations and Tipping the Balance. Led by Peter Van Esse and Matt Moscou

Time Activity Venue
930 Practical Session
1030 Tea Break and Discussion
1100 PEDAGOGICAL LECTURE - Peter van Esse
1200 Concluding Remarks