Chapter 3 Running minimap2

Running minimap2 takes only one step. Assuming we’ve already cd’d into the directory with the reads and reference we can use this command

  minimap2 -ax sr ecoli_genome.fa ecoli_left_R1.fq ecoli_right_R2.fq > aln.sam

Try running that and see what happens… You should get an output file in the working directory called aln.sam. On my machine this takes just a few seconds to run.

Let’s look at the command in detail.

3.1 The minimap2 command and options

First we get this


which is the name of the actual program we intend to run, so it isn’t surprising that it comes first. The rest of the command are options (sometimes called arguments) telling the program how to behave and what it needs to know. Next up is this

           -ax sr

which gives option a meaning print out SAM format data. And option x meaningwe wish to use a preset parameter set. The preset we wish to use comes after x and is sr, which stands for short reads and tells minimap2 to use settings for short reads against a long genome. Next is this

                   ecoli_genome.fa ecoli_left_R1.fq ecoli_right_R2.fq

which are the input files in the ‘reference’ ‘left read’ ‘right read’ order. Finally, we have

                                                                       > aln.sam

which is the > output redirect operator and the name of an output file to write to. This bit specifies where the output goes.

So the structure of the minimap2 command (like many other commands) is simply program_name options input output.

And this one command is all we need for a basic alignment with minimap2. We can now move on to the next step in the pipeline.

3.2 Further Reading

3.2.1 The > operator

The > symbol is actually not part of the minimap2 command at all, it is a general shortcut that means something like ‘catch the output from the process on the left and put it in the file on the right. Think of the>` as being a physical funnel catching the datastream! Because it’s a general operator and not an option in a program, we can almost always use’>’ to make output files. You’ll see it pop up quite often

3.2.2 minimap2 further instructions and github

The commands given here for minimap2 are just a small selection of what are available. You can see the user guide at GitHub